Roy Chisholm (1926 - 2015)
Research and Review Papers, Book Contributions, Reviews
1. ​Calculation of Matrix Elements, Phys Rev 2, 82 (1951), 448
2. Calculation of S-matrix Elements, Proc Camb Phil Soc 48, 2 (1952), 300
3. Spin-Orbit Coupling and the Mesonic Lamb Shift, with B.Touschek, Phys Rev 90, 5 (1953), 763
4. A New Derivation of the Fundamental Formulae in Fowlerian Statistical Mechanics, with A.H.de
Borde, Proc Camb Phil Soc51, 3 (1955), 526
5. The S-matrix for Neutral PS-PV Interactions, Phil Mag 8, 1 (1956)
6. Unitary Transformations of Symmetric PS-PV Interactions, with G.M.Dixon, Il Nuovo Cimento10, 9
(1958), 125
7. On the Inclusion of Hole-hole Scattering in the Brueckner t-Matrix, with E.J.Squires, Nuclear Physics
26 (1959), 269
8. Changes of Variable in Quantum Field Theories, Nuclear Physics 26 (1961), 269
9. Book Review: 'Methodes Mathematiques de la Mechanique Stastique by A.Blanc- Pierre, P.Casal and
A.Tortrot, Mathematical Gazette (1961)
10. Solution of Linear Integral Equations Using Pade Approximants, J Math Phys 4, 12 (1963), 12
11. Relativistic Scalar Products of Gamma Matrices, Il Nuovo Cimento X, 30 (1963), 426
12. Scalar Products of Pauli Spin Matrices, Il Nuovo Cimento X, 43 (1966)
13. Approximation by Sequences of Pade Approximants in Regions of Meromorphy, J Math Phys 7
(1966), 39
14. The Validity of Perturbation Series with Zero Radius of Convergence, with G.A.Baker, J Math Phys 7
(1966), 1900
15. Partial Wave Analysis of the Fadeev Equation, chapter 6 of the book 'Topics in Several Particle
Dynamics', by K.M.Watson and J.Nuttall (Holden-Day, 1967)
16. Padé Approximants and Linear Integral Equations, chapter 5 of 'The Pade Approximant in
Theoretical Physics', eds G.A.Baker and J.L.Gammel (Academic Press, 1970)
17. Series of Derivatives of Delta-functions, with A.K.Common, chapter 6 of 'The Pade Approximant in
Theoretical Physics', ed. G.A.Baker (Academic Press, 1970)
18. Algorithms for Zero-Momentum Vertex Parts, Il Nuovo Cimento 1A, 4 (1971), 777
19. Algorithms for the Gamma-algebra of Electromagnetic Form Factors, J Comp Phys,7 (1971), 333
20. Padé Approximation of Single-Variable Integrals, Proc.1970 Colloquium on Computational Physics
(CNRS Marseille,1971)
21. Applications of Pade Approximation to Numerical Integration, review paper, Proc. 1971 Colloquium
on Comp. Methods in Theor. Phys. (CNRS Marseille, 1971)
22. Accelerated Convergence of Sequences of Quadrature Approximants, with A.C.Genz and Glenys
Rowlans J.Comp. Phys. 10 (1972), 234
23. Generalisation of the Kahane Algorithm for Scalar Products of Gamma-Matrices, joint work with A.
Hearn, Comp. Phys. Comm. 0 (1972), 205
24. Mathematical Properties of Pade Approximants, 5 lectures to the 1972 Canterbury Summer School,
in 'Pade Approximants and Their Applications', ed P.R.Graves- Morris (Inst. Physics, 1973)
25. Convergence Properties of Pade Approximants, a review, p.11 of 'Pade Approximants and Their
Applications', ed. P.R.Graves-Morris (Academic, 1973)
26. Application of Pade Approximationn to Numerical Integration, Rocky Mountain Journal of
Mathematics 4,2 (1974), 159
27. Rational Approximants Defined from Double Power Series, Math. Comp. 27, 124 (1973), 841
28. Rational Approximants Defined from Power Series in N Variables, with J.McEwan, Proc. Roy. Soc.
A336 (1974), 421
29. Generalisation of a Theorem of de Montessus to Two-Variable Approximants, with P.R.Graves-
Morris, Proc. Roy. Soc. A342 (1975), 341
30. Relativistic Scale Covariance of N-Variable Approximants, with R.Hughes Jones, Proc. Roy. Soc.
A344 (1975), 365
31. Rational Polynomial Approximants Defined from Power Series in N Variables, review paper, Proc.
3rd Int. Colloquium on Advanced Computational Methods in Theoretical Physics, eds D.Bessis,
J.Gilewicz & P.Mery (CEA Saclay, 1975)
32. Rational Polynomial Approximants in N Variables, review paper, in 'Pade Approximants Method and
its Application to Mechanics', ed. H.Cabannes (Springer, 1976), 33
33. A Method for Computing Feynman Amplitudes with Branch Cuts, with A.C.Genz and M.Pusterla, J.
Com. App. Math.2 (1976), 2
34. Rotationally Covariant Approximants Derived from Double Power Series, with D.E.Roberts, Proc.
Roy. Soc. A351 (1976), 585
35. Moving Branch Cuts in Feynman Amplitudes, with L.Short, Proc. 1977 St Maximin Conference on
Advanced Computational Methods in Theoretical Physics, ed. A.Visconti (CNRS, Marseille, 1978)
36. Multivariate Approximants with Branch Points I, Proc. Roy. Soc A 358 (1977), 351
37. Multivariate Approximants with Branch Points II, Proc. Roy. Soc A 362 (1978), 43
38. Multivariate Approximants with Branch Points, review paper, Proc. 1977 Dundee Conference on
Numerical Analysis, ed. A.Watson (1978)
39. Multivariate Approximants with Branch Cuts, review paper, in 'Multivariate Approximants', ed.
D.Hanscomb (Academic Press, 1978)
40. N-Variable Rational Approximants, in 'Pade and Rational Approximants', eds. E.D.Saff & R.S.Varga
(Academic Press, 1977), 23
41. Pade-Chebyshev Approximants, with A.K.Common, Proc. 1979 Antwerp Symposium 'Pade
Approximation and its Applications', ed. L.Wuytack (Springer, 1979)
42. Spin Gauge Theory of Electric and Magnetic Spinors, with Ruth S. Farwell, in 'Regards sur la
Physique Contemporaine', (CNRS, Paris 1980), 41
43. Spin Gauge Theory of Electric and Magnetic Spinors, with Ruth S. Farwell, in Mathematical Problems
in Theoretical Physics', ed. K.Osterwalder (Springer 1980), 305
44. Generalisations of Pade Approximation of Chebyshev and Fourier Series, with A.K.Common,
Proceedings of the 1979 Christoffel Symposium, ed. P.L.Butzer, (Birkhauser 1981), 212
45. Spin Gauge Field Theory of Electric and Magnetic Spinors, with Ruth S. Farwell, Proc. Roy. Soc. A377
(1981), 1
46. Generalisations of Pade Approximants, review talk, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 1,3-4
(1982), 279
47. Spin Gauge Theory of the First Generation I: Basic Theory of Electrostrong Interactions, with Ruth S.
Farwell, Il Nuovo Cimento 82A, 2 (1984), 143
48. Spin Gauge Theory of the First Generation II: Basic Theory of Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic
Interactions, with Ruth S. Farwell, Il Nuovo Cimento 82A, 2 (1984), 185
49. Spin Gauge Theory of the First Generation III: Basic Theory of Electrostrong Interactions: the Free
Lagrangians, with Ruth S. Farwell, Il Nuovo Cimento 82A, 2 (1984), 210
50. Continued Fraction Solution of the General Riccati Equation, in 'Rational Approximation and
Interpolation', eds. P.R.Graves-Morris, E.B.Saff & R.S.Varga, (Springer 1984), 109
51. Introduction to the G.C.McVittie 80th Birthday Celebration Conference, Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Astronomical Society 26,2 (1985), 117
52. Book Review: 'From Clifford Algebra to Geometric Calculus' by D.Hestenes & G.Sobczyk,
Foundations of Physics (1986)
53. Book Review: 'Clifford analysis' by F.Brackx, R.Delanghe &F.Sommen, Foundations of Physics (1986)
54. Unified Spin Gauge Theory Models, with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Clifford Algebras and Their Applications
in Mathematical Physics', eds. J.S.R.Chisholm & A.K.Common (Reidel, 1986), 363
55. A Class of Second Order Differential Equations and Related First Order Systems, with A.K.Common,
J.Phys. A20, 16 (1987), 5459
56. Electroweak Spin Gauge Theories and the Frame Field, with Ruth S.Farwell, J.Phys. A20, 18 (1987),
57. Gravity and the Frame Field, with Ruth S.Farwell, Gen. Relativity &Gravitation 20, 4 (1988), 371
58. Spin Gauge Theories and the Frame Field, with Ruth S.Farwell, talk given at RAL meeting, Abingdon
59. Vectors and Almost Everything Else, an introduction to Clifford Algebra, talk given at UKC Sixth
Form Open Day (unpublished, 1988)
60. Complex Clifford Algebra Basis for Hamiltonian Theory Simon Stevin 62, 3-4 (1988), 201
61. Unified Spin Gauge Theory of Electroweak and Gravitational Interactions, with Ruth S.Farwell,
J.Phys. A22 (1989), 1059
62. George McVittie: Honorary Professor, University of Kent, Vistas in Astronomy 33 (1990), 97
63. Unified Spin Gauge Theories of the Four Fundamental Forces, with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Interface of
Mathematics and Particle Physics', eds. D.G.Quillan, G.B.Segal & Tsou S.T. (Clarendon, 1990)
64. Clifford Approach to Metric Manifolds, with Ruth S.Farwell, Supp. ai Reconditi del Circ. Mat. Do
Palermo II, 2 (1991), 123
65. Tetrahedral Structure of Idempotents of the Clifford Algebra C(3,1), with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Clifford
Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics', eds. A.Micali, R.Boudet & J.Helmstetter
(Kluwer 1992), 27
66. Unified Spin Gauge Theory of the Four Fundamental Forces), with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Clifford
Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics', eds. A.Micali, R.Boudet & J.Helmstetter
(Kluwer 1992), 363
67. A Fermion-Boson Mass Relation and the Top Mass, with Ruth S.Farwell, J.Phys. G18 (1992), L117
68. Top Mass via Spin Gauge Theory, with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'The Fermilab Meeting' DPF 92, eds.
C.H.Albright, P.H.Kasper, R.Raja & J.Yoh (World Scientific 1993), Vol 2, 1534
69. Clifford View of the k=1 Instanton, talk at XXI conference on DGMTP (C.N.Yang 70th Birthday
Meeting) at Tianjin, Int. J. Mod.Phys. A (Supp), 3A, eds C.N.Yang, M.L.Ge & X.W.Zhou, (World
Scientific 1993), 459
70. Four-force Unification using Clifford Algebra, talk at XXI conference on DGMTP (C.N.Yang 70th
Birthday Meeting) at Tianjin, Int. J. Mod.Phys. A (Supp), 3A, eds C.N.Yang, M.L.Ge & X.W.Zhou,
(World Scientific 1993), 463
71. Spin Gauge Theory of the Four Fundamental Forces, talk at symposium on Quantum Physics, Proc.
ISATQP-Shanxi 92, eds. J.Q.Liang, M.L.Wang, S.N.Qiao & D.C.Su (Science Press 1993), 271
72. Spin Gauge Theories: Principles and Predictions, with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Clifford Algebras and Their
Applications in Mathematical Physics', eds F.Brackx, R.Delanghe & H.Serras (Kluwer 1993), 367
73. A Complex Formulation of Hamiltonian (or Birkhoffian) Theory, with E.T. Abou el Dahab and
J.McEwan, Classical and Quantum Systems (Proc. Of 2nd International Wigner Symposium. Goslar),
eds H.D.Doebrer, W.Schrerer & F.Schroek (World Scientific 1993), 758
74. Unified Spin Gauge Model and the Top Quark Mass, with Ruth S.Farwell, Foundations of Physics 25,
10 (1995), 1871
75. Properties of Clifford Algebras for Fundamental Particles, three lectures, with Ruth S.Farwell, in
'Clifford (Geometric) Algebras', ed W.E.Baylis (Birkhauser 1996), 365
76. Spin Gauge Theories: A Summary, ), with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Clifford Algebras and their Applications
in Mathematical Physics', eds V.Deitrich, K.Habetha & G.Jank (Kluwer 1998), 53
77. Clifford Algebras Appropriate to Elementary Particle Models, with Ruth S. Farwell, 1996 Freiberg
conference *****
78. Gauge Transformations of Spinors within a Clifford Algebraic Structure, with Ruth S.Farwell, J.Phys
A32 (1999)
79. William Kingdon Clifford, with Ruth S.Farwell, in 'Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature'
(Cambridge University Press 2000)
80. A Scientific Prophecy by W.K.Clifford, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra 10,1 (National
University of Mexico 2000), 159
81. Parallel Transport of Algebraic Spinors on Clifford Manifolds, in 'Clifford Analysis and its
Applications', eds F.Brackx, J.S.R.Chisholm & V.Soucek (Kluwer 2001), 59
82. William and Lucy Clifford, Mathematics Today 38, 6 (2002), 168.
83. Algebraic Spinors on Clifford Manifolds, J.Phys A 35 (2002), 7359
84. William K.Clifford: Mathematician and Philosopher, Ethical Record 109 (2004), 9, 15
1. An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics, with A.H.de Borde, Pergamon Press (1958)
2. Mathematical Methods in Physics, with Rosa Morris, North-Holland (1964)
3. Vectors in Three-Dimensional Space (Cambridge University Press,1978)
4. Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics, co-edited with A.K.Common
(Reidel 1986)
5. Clifford Analysis and its Applications, co-eds F.Brackx & V.Soucek (Kluwer 2001)​