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Raymond E. Feist 'Krondor, Tear of the Gods'


I think that Raymond E. Feist's greatest achievement is his involvement in the game 'Betrayal at Krondor'. This was a computer adventure game that had a real story, that could be played a second time and give a different experience, that totally avoided the 'pick up the stick, to throw to the dog, to save the ant hill, to befriend the King of the Ants, to find the golden needle in the haystack…' nonsense.

Sadly, in this book he shows that as well as being able to produce a computer game that can play like a novel; he can produce a novel that can read like a computer game! The formula is the standard 'find a clue, go somewhere, kill something, find a clue…'. On top of that it's pretty unimaginative and poor written. A shame really since I've enjoyed some of his other novels.

Harper Collins, 372 pages


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