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Philip Pullman 'The Amber Spyglass'


So, the final chapter of 'His Dark Materials'. Did I enjoy it as much as the others? Well, yes and no. During 'The Subtle Knife' I developed a very strong idea of where the story was going and so I found it difficult to take 'The Amber Spyglass' on it's own special terms. Looking back from end, I think it's a superb book and a wonderful end to the journey. Lyra's decision, on which so much depends, arrives so subtlety and seemed so natural that I almost missed it, surely Philip Pullman's point. Lyra's growth is painted with great skill and I found the final image of Lyra, no longer a child and not yet a woman, turning to face the future, very moving. In fact, after finishing the book I lay awake of ages thinking about it. Although I’ll certainly read 'His Dark Materials' again, I suspect that I'll reread 'The Amber Spyglass' sooner rather than later. 'His Dark Materials' is one of the best pieces of stony telling that I've come across, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Scholastic, 550 pages


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