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Pete Lyons 'Can-Am Photo History'


This is the sequel to Lyons earlier 'Can-Am', and like that book it makes an excellent read (assuming that you're interested in US racing cars that is). It covers the first Can-Am series which ran from 1966 to 1974. There is a chapter for each year, following the format of a brief outline of that year's events followed by one or more interviews, all generously illustrated with excellent photos. The interviews make up the meat of the book, with contributions from most of the major players; the only major omission being Roger Penske. My only criticism of the book is that, rather like the Cam-Am, it just ends. It would have been nice for there to be a final chapter summing it all up. However, that is a minor issue and I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in US racing history.

192 pages, MBI Publishing Company


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