I was lucky enough to see this stage version of Philip Pullman's trilogy performed at the National Theatre in London just before Christmas 2003. Although I was very impressed, I was also a little disappointed. Particularly the first part had something of the sense of being a travelogue, the majesty of Pullman's vision was somehow diminished, in a sense this was a kind of 'His Dark Materials Lite'. Thus Nicholas Wright's play sat on a shelf unlooked at for nearly a year. A few days ago and with no great expectations I started to read it. To my surprise I was drawn straight into the drama. Perhaps the National's production was just too cluttered and energetic for the play itself to work, or perhaps for me it was just too soon after reading the books. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this adaptation. Certainly, there are many changes to Pullman's novel. Mary Malone, for example, is absent; her role as the tempter is taken by Serafina Pekkala. That alone removes one of the most interesting characters from the drama. But no matter, I was gripped by this adaptation. It's not the same is Philip Pullman's books, but neither is it 'Pullman Lite'. Recommended, but only after a reasonable interval from reading the books,
A Nick Hern Book, 236 pages