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Michael Costin and David Phipps 'Racing and Sports Car Chassis Design


First Published in 1961 and reprinted in 1969 this book spans a period of major change in competition car design. In 1961 engines were mostly at the backend, at least in Europe, spaceframe chassis were the norm and engines were almost never to be stressed. By 1969 engines were certainly at the back, monocoque chassis's (or unitary as this book calls them) were very much the norm in high end single seaters and engines could be stressed. The book was clearly mostly written towards the beginning of this period with the spaceframe being the accepted norm, so this is definitely not a book for someone interested in modern F1 technology. Having said that, I thought the book was excellent, clearly written with subjects like load transfer clearly explained; far better than some modern books on the subject (particularly the terrible 'Competition Car Suspension' by Allan Staniforth). So if you are interested in the principles of chassis design and car handling I can recommend that you try to get hold of this book. A couple of days ago looking at the spaceframe construction of a US style stockcar I realised that much of this book is far from out of date.

147 pages, published by Batsford, currently out of print


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