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Fiona Maddocks 'Hildegard of Bingen, The Woman of Her Age'


Although known today primarily as a composer, Hildegard of Bingen was a major figure in twelfth century Europe. Her writings cover subjects ranging from the natural world and medicine to poetry and apocalyptic visions.

This book covers her life and work and puts them into a historical context. Unlike a lot of modern books on Hildegard, this one tries very hard to be objective; if there is doubt about any point, then it is made clear. I felt that this made the book seem truthful, but also robbed it of a certain drama. Concerning her visions, I would also have preferred more interpretation; although it is probably better to be scholarly, as in this book, than over the top. For me, the most interesting section of all was the second appendix, an interview with a nun living in the St Hildegard Abbey at Eibingen. I felt that this reached closer to the faith that motivates both a modern nun, and perhaps Hildegard as well.

332 pages, published by Review W


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