There days Formula One car manufactories make little else, but that has not always been the case. From its foundation in the mid 60s until the late 70s McLaren not only completed in other formula but with multiple wins of the Indy 500 and of the Cam-Am series, it excelled.
This is a fairly old book dating from 1988 and so leaving the story just before the turbulent Prost Senna era began. However, for me the interest of this book comes from the coverage of the early years and the non-F1 stuff. Also, from the interplay between the experiences learnt in the different categories; for example the design process of the classic F1 McLaren M23 beginning with mating the backend of the current F1 design with the tub and front end of the Indy design. If I have any criticism it is that there is too much coverage of the later F1 seasons and a very perfunctorily coverage of the F500 designs. Still, worth the effort of tracking down.
Hazleton Publishing, 309 pages