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Alberto Siliotti 'Guide To The Valley Of The Kings'


As well as covering the Valley of the Kings this book also covers the Valley of the Queens, various mortuary temples, the workers village of Deir El-Medina and associated necropolis and a number of private tombs. The subjects were chosen for inclusion based on artistic merit and public accessibility. Each is illustrated with photos, maps and some excellent 3D drawings. Visually the book is rather lavish. But the text...

From the credits I suppose that the book has been translated into English. Or rather into a language which uses the same words as English but has different grammar. Sentences are endless, clause after clause after clause. It is normally possible to figure out who is doing what to whom, but it makes very tiring reading. For example a figure legend reads as follows, "One of the members of the Italian Archeological Mission, headed by Schiaparelli, at work in the tomb of Nefertari (QV no. 66), Ramesses II's 'Great Royal Bride' , discovered in 1904". See what I mean? Also, the figure legends frequently repeat verbatim the main text, and very irritatingly follow a different layout to the images.

So in summary, not recommended! Definitely not worth £20!

George Weidenfeld & Nicolson ltd. Orion Publishing Group, 168 pages


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