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Ancient history 2002 - 2010
Consolidating ancient history from old websites

2011 - Omeros, The Bard Bot
Outside our apartment a 54-day piece of performance art is happening. The light in the post office tower is flashing, it looks like a bad...

2007 - Kitty-Litter Bot
Adorable as the cats are, they do like to spread their kitty-litter everywhere. In fact I think they have a completion to see who can get...

2003 - Laser Bot 1
This is a continuation of the Coffee Bot project. Now, instead of navigating via pads on the ground, the robot navigates between a series...

2002 - Coffee Bot
This started out as a request (challenge) from Carol 'Could a robot bring us morning coffee in bed?' This is quite a challenge, the...

'My big car uses less petrol going down the motorway than a small car'
I've heard this plenty of times, but is it actually true? I found it surprisingly hard to get real fuel consumption figures at various...
'Driving the car with the headlights on wastes 35’000 tonnes of crude oil per year in Switzerland!!!
This week a letter in our local paper gave me pause for thought. The author stated that if all the cars in Switzerland (3.8 million of...
'Offshore Wind farms do not kill Whales'
I was interested to see in the Daily Telegraph that offshore wind farms can kill whales. I can't give a link to the article since the...
2011 - Cigarette additives
Here in Neuchâtel one of the major employers is a certain cigarette company, and every time the big Red & White wallet opens in support...
2011 - 'We are NOT predicting a mini-ice age'
According to James Delingpole in the Daily Telegraph, a new ice age is on its way: ‘It’s official: a new Ice Age is on its way. In what...
2011 - My bike does 430 Km/l (with a bit of help from me)
For the last couple of months I’ve been measuring the energy consumption of my electric bike. Most days I cycle to and from work, a...

Subsidiarity and history
This site started way back in 2000 with FrontPage, a very easy to use website editor. It was later moved to SharePoint (various versions)...
Learning does not come from books it comes from doing, thinking and repeating
New cats
Test news for the Smalldomain news category
Post-Brexit Britian? I hope that fiction "no event is allowed into it that does not have a precedent in human history". Human history is...
Jo Ramirez 'Memoirs of a Racing Man'
I was in a book shop at the Rockingham circuit after the CART race in 2002 when I happened to glance at the guy next to me. I recognised...
Michael Cordy 'The Lucifer Code'
This is a fairly standard page-turner; brilliant scientist, beautiful girl and mysterious millionaire. It's a bit too long and it parts a...
Francis Spufford 'Backroom Boys, The Secret Return of the British Boffin'
This is an interesting book which focuses on certain aspects of British science and technology. In six chapters it tells David and...
Peter S. Wells 'The battle that stopped Rome'
In A.D. 9 the German leader Arminius successful ambushed three Roman legions in the desolate Tuetoburg forest. The destruction of the...
Hugo Young 'Supping with the Devils, Political writing from Thatcher to Blair'
As a political columnist for the Guardian newspaper from 1984 until 2003 Hugo Young must have supped with a fair number of devils, but as...
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